Terminal 0: MORPHO

Undergrad Advanced Architecture Studio. Fall 2020

Rhino 6.0, Grasshopper, Adobe CS
Mississauga, ON

Individual Project

Featured On:
DAS Year End Show
CASA-ACÉA Student Work Showcase

Terminal 0 is a proposed extension to the existing Terminal 1 at Pearson International Airport in Mississauga, Ontario. The objective of this envisioned extension is to provide a contemporary and futuristic addition to the current structure, expanding its capacity to accommodate more domestic and international passengers.

Just as butterflies have overcome the challenges of flying in windy conditions, humans have spent a considerable amount of time developing solutions to address the challenges of aviation and to cope with unpredictable weather conditions. Taking inspiration from the movement of butterflies, Terminal 0 aims to celebrate the technological advancements in aviation through the integration of advanced architectural technology such as parametric design.